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Chris Martin and Dakota Johnson’s Relationship Status



Chris Martin And Dakota Johnson's Relationship Status

There’s been a whirlwind of rumors about Chris Martin and Dakota Johnson‘s relationship lately. Reports came out saying the couple, who have been together since 2017, have quietly called off their engagement. But wait! A representative for Dakota quickly jumped in to set the record straight, saying they are still happy together.

People started talking when Dakota was seen out in Malibu without her emerald engagement ring, leading many to speculate about their relationship status. It turns out, there’s more to the story. Despite not making a big announcement about their engagement, Dakota has been wearing the ring since 2020, keeping hope alive for fans that they were still going strong.

Chris Martin, the lead singer of Coldplay, was previously married to actress Gwyneth Paltrow, and they share two kids, Apple and Moses. Dakota has spoken fondly about her relationship with Chris’s children, saying she loves them dearly. In fact, she’s always been open about how much they mean to her.

Gwyneth has also shared her good vibes about Dakota in the past, calling her ‘adorable’ and explaining that they’ve become friends, which isn’t something you see every day with exes. This kind of warmth only adds to the complexity of their relationship.

Meanwhile, Dakota has been keeping busy, and she recently talked about how supportive Chris has been through tough times in her life. She recounted a sweet moment when he noticed she was feeling down just by what she was wearing. It’s moments like these that show a deeper connection, even if the rumors about their relationship swirl on.

Rachel Adams

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