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Delhi Borders Fortified as Farmers Prepare for ‘Delhi Chalo’ March



Delhi Borders Fortified As Farmers Prepare For 'delhi Chalo' March

Security measures have been significantly escalated at the DelhiHaryana borders as farmers gear up for the ‘Delhi Chalo’ march scheduled for February 13. In anticipation of the agitation led by the Samyukta Kisan Morcha, a prominent farmers’ union, demands encompassing the enactment of a law to ensure Minimum Support Price (MSP) for crops are at the forefront.

The fortified borders, particularly with Haryana, have now become bristling fortresses lined with concrete blocks, road spike barriers, and barbed wires to impede vehicular entry. Additionally, a substantial deployment of police forces has been orchestrated alongside the imposition of restrictive orders.

Leader of the Samyukta Kisan Morcha, Jagjit Singh Dallewal, shared that over 200 farmers’ unions from various regions of the country are set to partake in the upcoming march, intensifying the momentum of the longstanding protests.

As preparations intensify on both sides of the borders, such as at Singhu border, drone footage exemplifies the rigorous security measures undertaken by authorities to thwart any unauthorized entry attempts.

Rachel Adams

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