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DUP Leader’s Social Media Accounts Mysteriously Disappear



Dup Leader's Social Media Accounts Mysteriously Disappear

The online presence of Sir Jeffrey Donaldson, leader of the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), has sparked speculation as his social media accounts have seemingly vanished without explanation.

As of Friday morning, searches for the 61-year-old MP’s profiles on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn yielded no results, leaving followers and observers puzzled.

No official statement has been released regarding the sudden disappearance of Sir Jeffrey’s online platforms, prompting further intrigue among political circles.

Just days before the disappearance, the DUP leader had posted a congratulatory message to Simon Harris, newly elected as the leader of Fine Gael, on his various social media channels.

Meanwhile, a recent incident involving Sir Jeffrey at Heathrow airport added another layer of uncertainty, as a disruptive passenger was reportedly removed from a flight following a ‘verbal altercation’ with the politician.

While the DUP remained silent on the matter, sources confirmed that Sir Jeffrey was indeed involved in the incident, where the unruly passenger directed verbal abuse towards him.

Rachel Adams

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