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GCHQ Releases Puzzle to Recruit New Spies on LinkedIn Platform



Gchq Releases Puzzle To Recruit New Spies On Linkedin Platform

The UK’s intelligence agency GCHQ has unveiled a unique puzzle in collaboration with artist Justin Eagleton to attract potential recruits who possess strong lateral-thinking skills. The puzzle, designed as a visual challenge, aims to tap into individuals who process information differently. This initiative aligns with GCHQ’s historical association with code-breaking and cryptography.

GCHQ’s puzzle features 13 elements representing letters of the alphabet, requiring participants to decode a hidden message by piecing together these symbols. The agency believes that this unconventional recruitment strategy will appeal to those with a knack for problem-solving and non-traditional thinking methods.

Director Anne Keast-Butler emphasized the importance of diversity in GCHQ’s recruitment efforts, stating that a varied mix of talents is crucial in addressing evolving threats. In line with this, GCHQ has expanded its presence to LinkedIn, in addition to platforms like Twitter and Instagram, to engage with a wider pool of potential candidates.

By leveraging social media channels, GCHQ aims to showcase its work and highlight the diverse roles available within the organization beyond traditional spy positions. Keast-Butler expressed the agency’s commitment to connecting with individuals who may not have previously considered a career in intelligence.

Rachel Adams

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