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Emmanuel Macron Considers Sending Western Troops to Ukraine: Reactions and Criticisms



Emmanuel Macron Considers Sending Western Troops To Ukraine: Reactions And Criticisms

Emmanuel Macron‘s recent contemplation of the possible deployment of Western troops in Ukraine has stirred heated reactions and criticisms from various political figures and parties in France.

During the international conference organized by France to support Ukraine, Macron emphasized Paris’ commitment to Ukraine and labeled Russia‘s defeat as essential for security and stability in Europe.

While Macron did not rule out the deployment of troops, he acknowledged the lack of current consensus on the official, overt sending of troops to the Ukrainian soil.

The discussions on potential troop deployment were sparked by remarks by the Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, who warned of escalating tensions with Russia if Western troops were sent to Ukraine.

Following the conference, Macron proposed a coalition of allies to supply medium to long-range missiles to Ukraine, highlighting five consensus actions including cyber defense, armament co-production, and support for Ukraine’s borders.

Meanwhile, reactions to Macron’s statements came swiftly, with Jean-Luc Mélenchon of France Insoumise calling a war against Russia “folly” and criticizing the reported troop deployment considerations.

Rassemblent National’s Sébastien Chenu expressed concerns over the potential escalation of the conflict to a global war, advocating for dialogue with Russia and stressing the need for parliamentary debate on the matter.

Proposals for engaging India as a stabilization partner and seeking diplomatic solutions before military actions were suggested as alternatives to direct military involvement in the conflict.

The political landscape in France is witnessing shifts in support towards various parties ahead of the upcoming European elections, with notable leads and developments reported in recent polls.

Rachel Adams

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