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FBI Conducts Investigation and Makes Arrest in Portland, CT



Fbi Investigation Portland Ct Penfield Hill Road

On Thursday, November 14, 2024, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) was involved in an ongoing investigation in Portland, Connecticut. According to local authorities, the FBI was conducting an investigation on Penfield Hill Road, near Fox Run Road, starting early in the morning around 6 a.m.

The investigation led to the arrest of a suspect, who was taken into custody by the FBI. The arrest was made based on a warrant, although specific details about the suspect and the nature of the charges have not been fully disclosed by officials at this time

This development follows recent incidents in the area, including three ballot drop box fires in Portland and Vancouver. Authorities had previously offered a reward of up to $25,000 for information about a male suspect believed to be behind these fires, who may have experience in metalworking and welding

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