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Filmmaker Ken Burns Sparks Controversy with Candid Commencement Speech at Brandeis University



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Documentary filmmaker Ken Burns stirred up controversy with his commencement speech at Brandeis University’s 73rd Commencement ceremony, where he delved into the potential impact of the upcoming 2024 presidential election. Burns, renowned for his in-depth exploration of American history and culture, typically viewed as maintaining political neutrality, took a surprising stand as he cautioned against a second term for former President Donald Trump.

In his address to the graduating class, Burns refrained from directly mentioning Trump but warned against the dangers of a second term, stating that there was no clear choice in the November election. He described the presumptive Republican nominee as the ‘opioid of all opioids,’ a seductive yet destructive force that lures individuals into a worse affliction. Burns urged the audience to consider the existential crossroads facing the nation and the critical decision that lay ahead.

Following the speech, backlash erupted on social media platforms like X, with supporters of the Make America Great Again (MAGA) movement expressing outrage at Burns’ comments. Former U.S. Assistant Attorney General Jeff Clark criticized Burns for injecting political views into a commencement address at an academic institution. He argued that Burns should not sway students’ opinions and called for repercussions against Brandeis University. On the other hand, former Republican Georgia State Representative Vernon Jones labeled Burns’ speech as ‘disgraceful,’ accusing him of attempting to manipulate graduates by promoting the candidacy of Joe Biden.

Despite the criticism, Burns also received support for his candid remarks on the election. Political strategist Rachel Bitecofer commended Burns for his courage in taking a stand for American democracy and emphasizing the gravity of the upcoming election. Democratic candidate for New York‘s First Congressional District, in a show of solidarity, praised Burns’ speech as profound, timeless, and urgent. The speech quickly gained traction online, with clips going viral, sparking both debate and appreciation for Burns’ bold stance.

Rachel Adams

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