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Flood Hits Bellechasse Garage Construction Site



Flood Hits Bellechasse Garage Construction Site

Recently, a major flood caused a stir at the Bellechasse garage construction site, and it’s expected to have lasting effects, according to the Société de transport de Montréal (STM).

On July 27, a broken water main unleashed a wave of water that flooded the construction area, reaching all the way down to the basement. The STM previously announced the incident and the challenges it has created.

While they anticipate that this will impact the project, STM officials mentioned that it will take some time to fully assess the damage. They plan to work closely with the construction team and insurance experts to get a clear picture.

Laurence Houde-Roy, a spokesperson for the STM, shared that the pumping, drying, and cleaning tasks are now complete, allowing the construction site to reopen. These efforts were overseen by the general contractor.

The Bellechasse garage was originally slated to be finished by fall 2024, but it’s already faced significant delays. Earlier this summer, Radio-Canada reported that it wouldn’t be ready to host electric buses as planned, due to safety concerns.

Right now, the project is estimated to be twice as long and twice as expensive as initially thought, with its budget ballooning to a whopping 584 million dollars.

Rachel Adams

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