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Former BC Premier John Horgan Battles Third Round of Cancer



Former Bc Premier John Horgan Battles Third Round Of Cancer

Former British Columbia Premier John Horgan, who currently serves as Canada‘s ambassador to Germany, is confronting his third bout with cancer. Horgan, who remains optimistic about his health, is undergoing treatment for thyroid cancer.

According to Horgan’s colleague Ravi Parmar from the NDP, the former premier has taken a leave of absence from his duties in Germany to focus on his health. Parmar, who succeeded Horgan in the Langford–Juan de Fuca riding, revealed that Horgan is in Berlin receiving the necessary care.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau appointed Horgan as Canada’s ambassador to Germany in November, following his tenure as B.C.’s premier from 2017 to 2022. Horgan, a long-serving member of the NDP, has been a prominent figure in Canadian politics.

During his time as premier, Horgan faced a diagnosis of throat cancer in 2021, which led to an intensive treatment regimen involving over 30 radiation sessions. This recent diagnosis of thyroid cancer marks Horgan’s third encounter with the disease.

B.C. Premier David Eby expressed well wishes for Horgan’s swift recovery, emphasizing Horgan’s resilience as a fighter and the support of all British Columbians during this challenging period.

Health Minister Adrian Dix acknowledged Horgan’s previous victories over cancer, highlighting his strength and determination. Dix expressed confidence that Horgan would overcome this latest health challenge as well.

Opposition Leader Kevin Falcon and members of the Conservative and Green Parties extended their thoughts and prayers to Horgan and his family. The political community in B.C. rallied around Horgan, offering support and solidarity during his battle against cancer.

Horgan resigned from his legislative seat in Langford in March 2023, citing health reasons. His dedication to public service and his ongoing fight against cancer serve as a testament to his commitment to his community and country.

Rachel Adams

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