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Hairspray Comes to Perth This September!



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Exciting news for musical fans! Hairspray the Broadway musical is hitting the stage at Crown Theatre Perth from September 7th to September 28th. It’s a chance to enjoy this beloved classic live!

The show stars Rob Palmer as Edna Turnblad, while Paige Fallu takes on the role of Tracy Turnblad, and Brendan Hanson plays Wilbur Turnblad. Together, they bring to life the uplifting story of big-haired Tracy’s dreams in a feel-good romantic comedy.

If you want to catch this fantastic performance, there’s an opportunity to win an A-reserve double pass! Keep an eye out for the code word in PLAY magazine found in The West Australian, and don’t forget to submit your entries by 12:00 PM on Friday, August 23rd, 2024.

Rachel Adams

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