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Hazelight Studios Unveils Split Fiction: A New Co-op Adventure



Hazelight Studios Split Fiction Gameplay

Hazelight Studios, the acclaimed developer behind the cooperative games Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons and It Takes Two, has announced its latest project, Split Fiction. This new game continues the studio’s tradition of innovative co-op gaming, promising an exciting and unique experience for players.

In Split Fiction, players take on the roles of Mio and Zoe, two writers who find themselves trapped in a virtual reality world where their stories come to life. The game seamlessly blends fantasy and sci-fi elements, reflecting the diverse backgrounds and genres of the two protagonists.

The gameplay involves dynamic shifts between these two worlds, requiring players to adapt and work together to navigate the challenges they face. This cooperative gameplay is a hallmark of Hazelight Studios, known for its emphasis on teamwork and interactive storytelling.

Split Fiction is set to release on March 6, 2025, for PC and current-gen consoles, with a price point of $49.99. The game has already generated significant buzz following its announcement, with fans eagerly anticipating the next installment from the studio behind the 2021 Game of the Year winner, It Takes Two.

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