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Hunter Biden’s Ex-Girlfriend Testifies in Firearm and Drug Trial



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Hunter Biden‘s ex-girlfriend, Hallie Biden, took the stand in a federal courtroom, testifying about the discovery of a firearm in his truck, setting off a legal case against the president’s son.

Ms. Biden, widow of Hunter’s late brother Beau Biden, recounted finding a gun among clothes and trash in Mr. Biden’s vehicle. She also revealed her own struggles with crack cocaine, influenced by Hunter’s drug use.

The trial marks the first for a sitting US president’s son, with Hunter facing serious charges related to firearm possession while allegedly using narcotics.

Defending his actions, Hunter’s legal team claims he was truthful on gun purchase paperwork due to being in recovery at the time, despite the accusations.

Hallie Biden’s emotional testimony detailed the tumultuous nature of their relationship post-Beau Biden’s death, with concerns about drug use plaguing their lives.

Notably, Hunter Biden’s status underlines the scrutiny on the prominent family, impacting ongoing public duties of President Joe Biden.

Rachel Adams

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