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Mark Knopfler Talks About His Blues Roots on Radio Show



Mark Knopfler Talks About His Blues Roots On Radio Show

In a recent chat on BBC Radio 4’s Desert Island Discs, legendary guitarist and songwriter Mark Knopfler shared some personal stories from his early days in music, including a special connection to Bishop’s Stortford.

Knopfler, well-known for his time in the iconic band Dire Straits, reminisced about how he developed his love for blues music during his student days at Harlow College in the late 1960s. He often visited a blues club called Rambling Jack’s, located in a loft in Bishop’s Stortford.

Talking with host Lauren Laverne, he said, “I was already mad about the blues and I became a blues nut.” He explained how being part of that music scene fueled his passion even more.

Knopfler got to see many blues bands during those visits. He recalled also going to gigs at Leeds University and realizing there was so much more to discover in the world of acoustic and country blues music.

He shared fond memories of a fellow musician from Leeds named Steve Phillips. Phillips had a National steel guitar and a deep knowledge of blues music, having a record collection filled with great country blues artists.

The conversation sparked nostalgia among local residents, with some people in the Facebook group “Memories of Bishop’s Stortford” reminiscing about Knopfler’s early performances in the area, including his time with the band Brewers Droop.

One commenter mentioned, “Did anyone catch Mark Knopfler on this week’s Desert Island Discs? He mentioned going to the blues club in Bishop’s Stortford.” Another shared his memories of attending gigs and working as an editorial assistant on Melody Maker, highlighting the lively music scene at that time.

During the show, Knopfler chose Mississippi Fred MacDowell’s “Write Me a Few Lines” as one of his favorite tracks, along with songs from famous artists like Ray Charles and Bob Dylan. He picked Penelope Fitzgerald’s book, “The Blue Flower,” and decided that a guitar would be his luxury item on a desert island.

Rachel Adams

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