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MMA Fighter Celebrates with Breakdancing Moves



Mma Fighter Celebrates With Breakdancing Moves

Australian MMA fighter Casey O’Neill stole the spotlight at UFC 305 with a fun breakdancing celebration after her victory against Luana Santos.

After the fight, O’Neill jokingly claimed that her dance moves were even better than those of the Australian breakdancer Raygun, who recently competed in the Olympics. She quipped that she might just take a break from MMA to try her luck at breaking.

O’Neill won the match by unanimous decision in the third round, marking her first win since 2022 and breaking a two-fight losing streak. Her celebration was a nod to Raygun, who had gained attention for her unique approach to breakdancing, even though she didn’t win any medals at the Olympics.

Raygun, whose real name is Rachael Gunn, didn’t succeed in her matches but became a breakout star, drawing both support and criticism for her individual style. O’Neill’s playful homage highlights the influence Raygun has had on fellow athletes in Australia.

Rachel Adams

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