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I-79 Northbound Reopens After Truck Rollover Causes Significant Delays



Truck Rollover On I 79

A significant traffic disruption occurred on Interstate 79 in the Pittsburgh area due to a truck rollover. The incident, which happened on the evening of December 11, 2024, resulted in heavy delays for motorists traveling northbound on I-79.

According to PennDOT, the northbound lane of I-79 was restricted following the truck rollover. However, just after 10 p.m., PennDOT announced that the northbound lane had been reopened, albeit to a single lane of traffic. Motorists were advised to exercise caution when traveling through the affected corridor.

The incident highlights the importance of road safety and the need for drivers to be vigilant, especially during nighttime hours when visibility can be reduced. The reopening of the lane to single-lane traffic has helped to alleviate some of the congestion, but drivers are still encouraged to plan their routes carefully and check for updates before embarking on their journeys.

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