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NYT Crossword Puzzle for December 10, 2024: Unique Theme and Notable Answers



Nyt Crossword Puzzle December 10 2024

The New York Times crossword puzzle for December 10, 2024, has garnered attention for its creative theme and several noteworthy answers. Constructed by Brian Callahan and Geoffrey Schorkopf, this puzzle features a theme centered around “MAKE-UP ARTISTS.”

The theme involves embedding the names of famous artists in reverse within the vertical answers. For instance, the answer “COCONUT MILK” contains the reversed name of Gustav KLIMT, and “MIRROR IMAGE” includes the reversed name of Joan MIRĂ“. This clever gimmick adds a layer of complexity and fun to the puzzle.

Other notable answers include “METOOERA,” which marks the first appearance of this term in the NYT puzzle, and “POSE NUDE,” a longer answer that stands out for its uniqueness. The puzzle also includes a variety of other interesting clues, such as “HATHA YOGA” for a fitness discipline and “HEEL KICKS” for taekwondo moves.

The constructors’ use of current and lively answers, such as “METOOERA” and the slang phrase “ON BLAST” (though the latter is from a different puzzle), reflects a modern and engaging approach to crossword puzzle design.

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