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Pixar’s Inside Out 2 Tackles Teen Anxiety in a Heartfelt Sequel



Pixar's Inside Out 2 Tackles Teen Anxiety In A Heartfelt Sequel

Pixar‘s sequel to the beloved film ‘Inside Out’ delves into the complexities of teenage anxiety, introducing a new emotion, Anxiety, voiced by Maya Hawke. The movie follows Riley’s journey into adolescence, navigating the challenges of growing up.

As Anxiety takes over Riley’s emotional headquarters, it leads her down a path of self-doubt and fear, causing internal struggles and turmoil. The film explores how anxiety can manifest in both positive and negative ways, impacting Riley’s decisions and actions.

Consulting with psychologist Lisa Damour, author of ‘Under Pressure,’ Pixar crafted a narrative that captures the essence of teenage anxiety, portraying it as a multifaceted emotion rather than a villain. The resolution of Anxiety’s reign in Riley’s mind reflects a nuanced understanding of mental health.

Riley’s journey towards self-acceptance and balance, guided by the emotions in her head, offers a poignant message about the complexities of growing up. ‘Inside Out 2‘ serves as a heartwarming and insightful exploration of teen mental health and the importance of embracing all aspects of one’s emotions.

Rachel Adams

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