Renowned Spiritual Leader Sadhguru Undergoes Successful Brain Surgery in Delhi Hospital

Renowned spiritual leader Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, the founder of the Isha Foundation, recently underwent a successful brain surgery at Apollo Hospital in Delhi, India.
Over the past four weeks, Sadhguru had been experiencing severe headaches but continued with his busy schedule, including hosting the nightlong MahaShivRatri celebrations on March 8, 2024.
Upon arriving in Delhi on March 14, the headaches worsened, prompting him to seek urgent medical attention from Dr Vinit Suri at the Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals.
An urgent MRI revealed a significant brain bleed, leading to Sadhguru’s decision to delay hospitalization until his pending work commitments were completed.
However, on March 17, his condition deteriorated with weakness in his left leg and worsening headaches, leading to his immediate admission to the hospital.
A CT scan showed a dangerous increase in brain swelling, necessitating emergency brain surgery to relieve the bleeding in his skull.
Post-surgery, Sadhguru was successfully weaned off the ventilator and is now showing remarkable signs of improvement, much to the relief of his followers and well-wishers.
The Isha Foundation stated that Sadhguru is currently recovering well and his health is steadily improving beyond initial expectations.
For further updates on Sadhguru’s health and progress, viewers can tune into live news broadcasts on NDTV and other reputable news outlets.