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Ryan Reynolds Honors Rob Delaney’s Late Son



Ryan Reynolds Rob Delaney Tribute

Ryan Reynolds has decided to pay tribute to his late co-star Rob Delaney‘s son, Henry, as part of the movie ‘Deadpool & Wolverine.’ This heartfelt reminder comes after a long time following Henry’s passing.

Henry, who tragically died at the age of 2, lost his battle with a brain tumor in 2018, shortly after filming ‘Deadpool 2.’ Less than a week after Henry’s death, Reynolds shared his regret about not having a tribute for Henry in the earlier film’s credits.

In his recent Instagram post, Reynolds highlighted Delaney’s incredible talent, calling him a “beautiful, acerbic and vulnerable writer.” He expressed that Rob has a unique perspective on grief, which is reflected in his memoir, ‘A Heart That Works.’

Along with the tribute to Henry, Reynolds noted that now more people are seeing Henry’s name in the credits of ‘Deadpool & Wolverine,’ providing a way for the father and son to share the screen after all this time.

Reynolds has expressed his admiration for Delaney’s courage to share his story with the world, hoping it can provide comfort to other parents experiencing similar losses. It’s a touching moment that adds a layer of sincerity to their latest film together.

Rachel Adams

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