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Behind the Scenes of Mother’s Instinct: Anne Hathaway Reveals Protective Measure While Filming Thriller with Jessica Chastain



Behind The Scenes Of Mother's Instinct: Anne Hathaway Reveals Protective Measure While Filming Thriller With Jessica Chastain

Anne Hathaway shares the behind-the-scenes reality of filming ‘Mother’s Instinct’ alongside co-star Jessica Chastain in an exclusive insight into their roles. Hathaway, known for her work in ‘The Devil Wears Prada‘, reveals a unique protective measure she adopted during production under the direction of Benoit Delhomme.

‘Mother’s Instinct’, set in the transformative 1960s era, surfaces themes that speak to societal issues of today. Jessica Chastain, celebrated for her performance in ‘The Good Nurse‘, comments on how gender roles depicted in the film resonate with contemporary challenges faced by women.

Both Hathaway and Chastain, who previously collaborated on Christopher Nolan‘s ‘Interstellar‘, showcase their chemistry as friends on and off-screen. Hathaway humorously refers to Chastain as an ‘actress sniper’ for her astounding portrayal in the film.

The star-studded cast of ‘Mother’s Instinct’ also includes Josh Charles, Anders Danielsen Lie, and Caroline Lagerfelt from ‘Gossip Girl‘. The film, now showing in cinemas, dives deep into the complexities of suburban life in the 1960s, making a compelling watch for audiences.

Rachel Adams

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