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Skai Jackson Arrested for Domestic Battery



Skai Jackson Arrested For Domestic Battery

Disney Channel star Skai Jackson found herself in some hot water last week. The 22-year-old actress was arrested on August 9 after getting into a bit of a scuffle with her boyfriend at Universal CityWalk in Hollywood.

According to reports from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, security staff noticed the couple arguing and called the police after seeing Skai push her boyfriend several times. When the authorities showed up, they reviewed surveillance footage that seemed to support this claim, showing her pushing him twice.

As a result, Skai was taken into custody for misdemeanor domestic battery. She was cited and released just a few hours later, but the case will be reviewed by the district attorney to see if any charges will stick.

Interestingly, both Skai and her boyfriend denied any actual physical altercation. They even claimed they are happily engaged and expecting a baby together.

This incident adds Skai to a list of Disney Channel stars who have had their run-ins with the law. Some notable names include Orlando Brown, who faced various charges including burglary and drugs, and Mitchel Musso, who was arrested for public intoxication.

Rachel Adams

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