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Tanimu Yakubu appointed as Director-General of the Budget Office of the Federation



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President Bola Tinubu has officially announced the appointment of Tanimu Yakubu as the new Director-General of the Budget Office of the Federation, succeeding Ben Akabueze whose term recently concluded.

The appointment of Tanimu Yakubu came after the tenure expiration of Ben Akabueze, who was first appointed as Special Adviser Planning (SAP) to President Muhammadu Buhari on February 15, 2016, and subsequently as DG Budget on June 10, 2016, his appointment was later renewed by President Buhari in 2020.

In a statement released by Ajuri Ngelale, the Special Adviser to the President on Media and Publicity, President Tinubu expressed his confidence in the new Director-General’s ability to enhance the efficiency and quality of budget functions, ultimately fostering fiscal sustainability, transparency, and accountability in public finance management for national development.

The outgoing Director-General, Ben Akabueze, played integral roles during his tenure, contributing significantly to the establishment of Nigeria’s first Sovereign Wealth Fund and active involvement in resolving the complex issues in the Niger Delta region, leading to a noteworthy increase in the country’s crude oil output.

Tanimu Yakubu, born on April 30, 1961, in Kurfi, Katsina State, brings extensive experience from the banking and finance sector to his new role. He previously served as the Chief Economic Adviser to President Umaru Yar’adua from 2007 to 2010, where he held various key positions such as Deputy Chief of Staff and member of the National Economic Management team.

Yakubu, a distinguished professional, was instrumental in achieving the highest capital to recurrent expenditure ratio among Nigerian states during his term as Honourable Commissioner of Finance, Budget, and Economic Planning in Katsina State from 1999 to 2002.

In addition to his public service, Yakubu has a strong private sector background, having worked with notable organizations like the Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria as Managing Director/CEO, leading the first mortgage-backed securitization in Sub-Saharan Africa, and holding key positions in Icon Limited and Afri-Projects Consortium.

With his rich experience and proven track record, Tanimu Yakubu is poised to further advance the budget office’s objectives, contributing to the overall economic development of the nation.

Rachel Adams

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