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Texas Assesses Wildfire Risks Amid California Blazes



Texas Wildfire Prevention Measures 2025

SAN ANTONIO – As wildfires continue to devastate Southern California, Texas officials are evaluating wildfire risks and preparedness strategies, particularly in the San Antonio area. Despite recent rainfall, the state remains in an extreme drought, heightening concerns about potential fire outbreaks.

“Even if the potential is low, that doesn’t mean a fire can’t happen,” said Dayziah Petruska, Wildland Urban Interface Coordinator for the Texas A&M Forest Service. The agency monitors weather patterns, provides daily fire danger updates, and tracks active wildfires across the state.

Petruska emphasized that three key factors influence wildfires: weather, topography, and fuel. These elements vary by location, making localized preparedness critical. “Anywhere in the world, those are the three things that are going to influence a fire,” she explained. “And they all behave differently in different areas.”

In Texas, the leading cause of wildfires is human activity. Common triggers include discarded cigarettes and embers from debris burning on windy days. To mitigate risks, the Texas A&M Forest Service recommends focusing on the “home ignition zone,” a 30-foot perimeter around homes that significantly impacts fire safety.

Petruska advised clearing combustible materials, such as plants, firewood, and leaves, within the first five feet of this zone. “You also want to keep gutters clean and ensure this zone is free of fire risks,” she said. Extending these efforts beyond the 30-foot zone, such as removing dry brush, can further reduce hazards.

Some communities in Bexar County have already adopted these practices. While no wildfires are currently burning in Texas, officials stress the importance of ongoing preparedness. “We can’t always control where a natural disaster hits, so you have to do things on a personal level to keep yourself safe,” Petruska added.

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