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Touch-A-Truck Event Coming to Boys’ Latin School



Touch A Truck Event Baltimore

Join us for an exciting Touch-A-Truck event at Boys' Latin School on Saturday, September 14, 2024, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. This engaging event offers children the unique opportunity to explore a wide variety of vehicles stationed throughout the campus.

Families are encouraged to bring their little ones to sit in the driver’s seat of various vehicles, including construction trucks, fire engines, police cars, and horse trailers. Attendees can also enjoy delicious treats from a Good Humor ice cream truck, which will be present to distribute ice cream.

This event aims to provide a fun and interactive experience for children and foster an appreciation for different vehicles and their uses in the community. Parents and guardians can register for the event to ensure their spot in this family-friendly activity.

Rachel Adams

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