Verizon Experiences Technical Issues and Mixed Stock Performance
Verizon Communications, one of the leading telecommunications companies in the United States, has been facing several challenges in recent days. On the technical front, some users have reported issues with Verizon’s services. For instance, customers using Verizon’s 5G Home Internet have complained about frequent losses of IP connections. One user on the Verizon Community Forums reported losing the IP connection four times in less than a month since switching to 5G Home Internet due to the unavailability of FIOS in their area.
Additionally, there have been reports of phones disconnecting from network extenders, which are used to improve signal strength in areas with poor coverage. Users have sought advice on the Verizon Community Forums to resolve these connectivity issues.
In terms of stock performance, Verizon Communications (NYSE:VZ) saw its stock price remain relatively stable, trading down 0% during mid-day trading on Monday, November 11. The stock traded as low as $40.44 and last traded at $40.46. However, the trading volume was significantly lower than average, with 3,230,916 shares traded, an 83% decline from the average session volume.
Analysts have provided mixed ratings for Verizon Communications. KeyCorp downgraded the company from an “overweight” rating to a “sector weight” rating, while Scotiabank and Royal Bank of Canada increased their price objectives. The company currently has an average rating of “Moderate Buy” and a consensus price target of $46.37.