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Vice President Kamala Harris Defends President Biden’s Debate Performance in Fiery CNN Interview



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Vice President Kamala Harris engaged in a heated exchange with CNN‘s Anderson Cooper on Thursday night as she defended President Joe Biden‘s debate performance against Donald Trump. Despite criticisms over Biden’s raspy voice and delivery during the debate, Harris remained steadfast in her support.

During the interview, Cooper questioned the impact of Biden’s performance on the upcoming election, with speculations rife about the possibility of replacing him as a candidate. Harris, however, emphasized the importance of substance over style in determining the next president of the United States.

Amid Cooper’s persistent line of questioning regarding Biden’s debate performance, Harris pivoted to highlight the president’s accomplishments over the past three and a half years, dismissing concerns over a single debate.

As the discussion grew more intense, Harris refuted claims that Biden had faltered in the debate, acknowledging a slow start but emphasizing the broader significance of the presidential race. Cooper conceded that neither candidate had articulated their positions as effectively as Harris did during the interview.

When pressed on how viewers should interpret the debate, Harris passionately warned about the potential consequences of a Trump presidency, particularly in relation to issues like a national abortion ban. Her fervent defense of Biden’s record showcased her unwavering support for the president.

Later in the evening, Harris appeared on MSNBC for a more concise and amicable interview with Rachel Maddow, where the focus remained on the critical choices facing voters in the upcoming election.

Rachel Adams

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