Victorians Urged to Drive Safely Ahead of AFL’s Gather Round in South Australia

Victorians traveling to South Australia for the AFL‘s Gather Round are being urged to plan ahead and drive safely. Adelaide will host every AFL game this weekend, and footy fans from across Victoria are expected to take advantage of the school holidays and road trip across the border and back home.
The Transport Accident Commission is reminding people to avoid fatigue and make safe choices when using the roads leading into another busy, high-risk period. So far this year, 73 people have lost their lives on the state’s roads, with 56% of those fatalities occurring in regional Victoria.
The TAC will bring their Pause Stop campaign to the Green Lake Rest Area in Bungalally on Saturday to encourage drivers to take a break. TAC Chief Executive Officer Tracey Slatter emphasized the importance of safe driving on regional roads during the footy weekend.
Ms. Slatter noted that fatigue is a significant concern when traveling on Victoria’s regional roads due to long distances and high speeds. Fatigued driving contributes to 16-20% of all road crashes, with the risk of falling asleep behind the wheel amplified at high speeds.
For those opting to travel by car to and from Gather Round, planning ahead and allowing ample travel time is crucial. Ms. Slatter advised drivers to take regular breaks, switch drivers if possible, and stay focused on safe driving practices to prevent accidents.
The TAC will set up at the Green Lakes Rest Area in Bungalally on April 6, offering free refreshments and a sausage sizzle to promote safe driving. Local football and netball club Taylors Lake will be contributing to the event, supporting the initiative to encourage safe road practices.