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Adunni Ade Discusses Balancing Parenthood with Acting Career



Adunni Ade Interview Hip Tv

In a recent interview with Hip TV, Nollywood actress Adunni Ade shared insights into managing her professional commitments while being a dedicated mother to her two sons, Ayden and D’marion. Adunni Ade emphasized the importance of balancing career and parenting, stating that prioritizing her children remains paramount, even as she navigates the demands of the entertainment industry.

“Balancing your life is something you have to do as a parent, there is no thinking about it. You have to be able to provide and cater to your children no matter what industry you find yourself in,” she mentioned. “Whether you’re a doctor, an actor, or an architect, you just have to find that balance.” Adunni Ade acknowledged that her career holds significance, yet her children’s well-being takes precedence over professional engagements.

Adunni explained her process of scheduling work projects around her children’s activities, underlining their significance in her life. “My kids will always come first, so I’m very careful with how I schedule projects. I do not miss anything that has to do with their schooling; if it’s an open day, visiting day, a program, or even inter-house sports, I will be there,” she stated. “My kids will always have that attention from me to be present, and when it comes to work, work will attend to itself.”

When offering advice to other parents struggling to find a balance, she suggested considering options such as boarding school or relying on trustworthy family members and friends to step in temporarily. However, she emphasized that neglecting children should never be an option.

Rachel Adams

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