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Australian Government to Criminalize ‘Doxxing’ as Response to Jewish WhatsApp Leak



Australian Government To Criminalize 'doxxing' As Response To Jewish Whatsapp Leak

The Australian federal government has announced plans to introduce new legislation criminalizing ‘doxxing’ following the public release of a private WhatsApp conversation involving hundreds of Jewish Australians. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese revealed that the proposed laws aim to prohibit the malicious publishing of personal details online and will be fast-tracked through parliament.

The leaked WhatsApp group, mainly comprised of Jewish Australians in creative industries, sparked outrage after personal information was disclosed online. In response, Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus emphasized that these actions were alarming and necessitated immediate legal action.

Representatives from the Executive Council of Australian Jewry commended the government’s initiative, acknowledging the need to address the harmful impacts of doxxing. Among those targeted in the leak was renowned singer Deborah Conway, underscoring the severity of the breach.

Experts from Monash University highlighted the challenges of policing doxxing activities due to the anonymity afforded by online platforms. They suggested that victims should engage directly with social media platforms to request the removal of compromising information.

Parallel to the doxxing legislation, the government also intends to strengthen hate speech laws as part of a comprehensive review of privacy regulations. This move comes in the wake of heightened tensions surrounding the treatment of minority communities, particularly Jewish Australians.

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton echoed concerns about the targeting of individuals based on religion, emphasizing the need for swift and decisive action. The proposed legal reforms signify a concerted effort to safeguard personal privacy and combat online harassment effectively.

The legislative changes align with ongoing discussions about the balance between freedom of speech and protecting individuals from harmful behavior. Notably, the Racial Discrimination Act‘s Section 18C has been a focal point in previous debates on these issues.

Rachel Adams

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