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Belinda Carlisle Excited for Australia Tour



Belinda Carlisle Concert

Belinda Carlisle, the iconic rock star who has entertained fans for nearly fifty years, is gearing up for her upcoming tour in Australia. Best known as the lead singer of The Go-Gos and for her solo hits, the 66-year-old star is still as passionate about music as ever.

In a recent chat with Today, Belinda shared her journey from the punk rock scene in Los Angeles in her youth to the heights of her career with The Go-Go’s and beyond. She confidently reflected on her “very rich and varied career,” filled with remarkable experiences.

Like many artists from the vibrant LA music scene of the ’80s and early ’90s, Belinda faced her struggles with drugs and alcohol. However, after almost 20 years of sobriety, she’s proud of the changes she made to her life. “I had a good run from age 17 to 47, but it wasn’t sustainable anymore,” she explained, emphasizing how important it was for her to make that shift.

Belinda’s adventurous spirit has also taken her family around the globe, living in eight different countries before settling in Mexico City with her husband, film producer Morgan Mason. Now, the pop sensation is excited to share her music with Australian audiences.

“I love coming to Australia! This is actually the fourth time this tour has been rescheduled,” she mentioned. Due to COVID cancellations and a knee issue, this concert has been a long time coming, and Belinda is looking forward to seeing her fans again.

Rachel Adams

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