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Calls for Action: Nationals MP Barnaby Joyce Faces Pressure Amid Controversy



Calls For Action: Nationals Mp Barnaby Joyce Faces Pressure Amid Controversy

Pressure is mounting on Nationals MP Barnaby Joyce as calls for action emerge following a controversial incident in Canberra where he was filmed in a compromised state last week, sparking public debate.

Joyce, who admitted to mixing prescription medication with alcohol leading to the footage in question, expressed his regret and embarrassment over the incident that captured him engaged in a phone conversation while sitting on a planter box.

Key figures like Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and opposition leader Peter Dutton have signaled intentions to address the matter further, with Nationals leader Michael McCormack offering support to Joyce amid the scrutiny.

Green Party leader, Lidia Thorpe, also weighed in on the situation, drawing attention to potential double standards in the handling of similar incidents involving male and female politicians in the past.

Despite varied responses from different political figures and media outlets like Sky News and the Guardian Australia, the focus remains on the accountability and repercussions Joyce may face within the Nationals party.

Rachel Adams

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