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Cambridge Library Changes Name to Improve Access



Cambridge Library Changes Name To Improve Access

The Cambridge Idea Exchange is now officially named the Cambridge Public Library (CPL). This change aims to make it clearer to locals what services the library offers.

Over the past year, the library’s board of directors discussed how the name “Idea Exchange” might have been confusing for some residents. They felt that it might have actually kept people from using the library’s services.

Chrissy Hodgins, the CEO of the Cambridge Public Library, shared in a press release that during her time connecting with the community, she noticed that many people weren’t fully aware of what the library was all about. She emphasized that going back to a name that includes “public library” seemed like the best move for the community.

In a strategic planning process back in 2023, both staff and community members pointed out that the name “Idea Exchange” was a barrier for access, especially for newcomers to Cambridge. Acting on this feedback, the board members came together and agreed unanimously to make the change.

This new name aligns the Cambridge library system with others in the area, like the Kitchener Public Library and Waterloo Public Library. Thomas Sandor, chair of the CPL board, expressed hopes that this name change would clarify the library’s purpose and importance within the community.

The costs for the rebranding are still being figured out, but the library’s communications director confirmed that the expenses have been planned into upcoming budgets. They assured that this change will not disrupt library services or the materials available.

The last time the library underwent a rebranding was ten years ago when it changed from Cambridge Libraries and Galleries to the Idea Exchange. Since then, they’ve expanded their services and even launched a digital library at the Old Post Office.

Today’s libraries have become vibrant places where people can access information, borrow books, and enjoy various programs. The library emphasizes that the name change doesn’t alter its commitment to providing exceptional services to the community.

As the library moves forward, community members will start seeing changes as new signage and materials are updated to reflect the new name. Excitingly, the name change will be completed ahead of the opening of the new Southeast Cambridge Recreation and Library Complex, set to welcome visitors in 2026.

Rachel Adams

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