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East Coast Residents Startled by Rare Earthquake Tremors



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Residents of the East Coast, typically known for their aversion to seismic activity, were startled by rare tremors that shook the region. The unexpected earthquake left many baffled and seeking answers in communities that aren’t accustomed to such natural occurrences.

The event, which originated offshore, caused mild panic among residents in states like New Jersey, where the ground rarely shifts beneath their feet. Eyewitnesses reported feeling a sense of unease as buildings swayed and furniture rattled, reminiscent of scenes more common in the earthquake-prone West Coast.

For East Coasters, who take solace in the stability of their surroundings, the seismic event served as a stark reminder of nature’s unpredictability. While no significant damage was reported, the tremors left many questioning their sense of security in a region where earthquakes are an anomaly.

Rachel Adams

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