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Eskom Implements Stage 6 Load-Shedding Again Amid Power Struggles



Eskom Implements Stage 6 Load Shedding Again Amid Power Struggles

Eskom, South Africa‘s state-run power utility, has once again resorted to implementing Stage 6 load-shedding due to operational challenges that have led to a severe strain on the national grid. This decision was announced in the early hours of Saturday morning, signaling a setback in the country’s efforts to stabilize the power supply.

President Cyril Ramaphosa had recently assured the public that the worst days of load-shedding were behind them, attributing the improvement to the government’s focused strategy and the National Energy Crisis Committee‘s interventions. Ramaphosa highlighted the progress made in attracting private investments to boost the power grid and reduce load-shedding incidents.

However, Eskom’s latest move to escalate to Stage 6 load-shedding reflects the ongoing challenges faced by the utility in maintaining a consistent power supply. Despite efforts to bring generating units back online, the need to replenish pumped storage dams has necessitated the imposition of stricter load-shedding measures.

Amidst the renewed power struggles, Eskom has committed to keeping the public informed about any significant developments regarding the power supply situation in the country. The unpredictability of load-shedding continues to pose a significant challenge to businesses and households across South Africa, impacting daily operations and routines.

Rachel Adams

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