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Ganga Dussehra Celebrated Today: Panchang and Muhurat for 16th June 2024



Ganga Dussehra Celebrated Today: Panchang And Muhurat For 16th June 2024

Today marks the auspicious occasion of Ganga Dussehra, celebrated with much reverence across the country. It falls on the tenth day of the Shukla Paksha in the Jyeshtha month. Devotees believe that on this day, bathing in the holy Ganges River and performing various rituals can lead to spiritual growth and prosperity.

Ganga Dussehra holds special significance for those who have ancestral connections or suffer from ‘Pitru Dosha’. By offering prayers and performing rituals with Ganga water, it is believed that one can seek blessings for their ancestors and invite prosperity into their lives. It is a day of seeking harmony with both family lineage and the divine energy of Goddess Ganga.

As the sun rises on the 16th of June 2024, the Shukla Paksha’s Dussehra tithi commences, bringing with it the opportunity for spiritual upliftment and blessings. The nakshatra associated with this day is Hast, signifying swiftness and auspicious beginnings. Aligning one’s actions with the celestial energies can bring about a sense of divine grace and blessings in various aspects of life.

Among the key yogas dominating the skies on this day are Varuni, Sarvarth, Ravi, and Amrit Siddhi Yoga, enhancing the potential for success and well-being. It is a time when the energies are aligned for both spiritual growth and material prosperity, urging individuals to connect with their inner selves and the higher realms of existence.

For those seeking to balance their karmic debts or honor their ancestors, the sacred time of Rahukal provides a window for introspection and offering prayers. The Rahukal period extending from evening 05:36 to 07:21 carries both the influences of Rahu and the reflective energies of sunset, making it a potent time for inner work and spiritual alignment.

Rachel Adams

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