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Government Launches Bharat Rice at Rs 29/kg, Provides Relief to Consumers Amid Rising Prices



Government Launches Bharat Rice At Rs 29/kg, Provides Relief To Consumers Amid Rising Prices

The government has launched Bharat Rice at the affordable price of Rs 29 per kilogram. It is a step taken by the government to provide relief to consumers after a recent 15% increase in the prices of grains.

The initiative was announced by Piyush Goyal, Minister of Food and Consumer Affairs, who introduced subsidized rice packs of five and ten kilograms. He emphasized that the government is making efforts to ensure that essential food items are available at reasonable prices for the common people. Goyal stated, ‘The measures taken for price control were not benefitting a large number of people. In this regard, we have initiated retail intervention under the Price Stabilization Fund (PSF).’

Rachel Adams

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