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House Committee Chairman Reacts to Verdict in Hunter Biden Gun Trial



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House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) has responded to the recent verdict in the Hunter Biden gun trial, emphasizing the need for accountability in the case.

Comer expressed that Hunter Biden’s ‘sweetheart plea deal’ was brought to light through the careful examination by a federal judge, and he views today’s verdict as a step forward in holding individuals responsible for their actions.

The congressman highlighted the importance of a thorough investigation by the Department of Justice into all parties involved in what he referred to as the Bidens’ ‘corrupt influence peddling schemes.’

Comer pointed out that these alleged schemes led to over $18 million in foreign payments being directed towards the Biden family, and he believes that until all aspects of this situation are thoroughly examined, it will be evident that certain department officials are protecting President Joe Biden, whom Comer referred to as the ‘Big Guy’.

Rachel Adams

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