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Iranian Teachers Face Consequences for Supporting Student Protests



Iranian Teachers Face Consequences For Supporting Student Protests

Several Iranian teachers have faced consequences for supporting the country’s students in their protests against the regime. The Iranian Teachers’ Union’s Coordination Council reported that one teacher in the city of Lordegan lost his position, and four teachers in Mamasani, Fars Province, were summoned by authorities.

The four teachers summoned are Rouhollah Gerehgosha, Shokrollah Ahmadi, Jan Mohammad Ahmadi, and Ali Ahmadi, who had been previously detained for their involvement in supporting the students. In addition, Mohammad Saeidi Aboueshaqi, a teacher from Lordegan, announced that the Supreme Court upheld his dismissal due to his support for the nationwide protests.

The campaign against educators in Iran has been ongoing, with over 250 teachers and cultural union activists arrested or dismissed in 2022 alone, according to the Iranian Teachers’ Union’s Coordination Council.

Rachel Adams

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