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JNU Lecture Controversy Sparks Debate on Pronunciation Correction by Columbia Professor



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A recent lecture at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) by renowned literary critic and Columbia University professor Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak has ignited a heated debate following a video that surfaced showcasing an exchange between Spivak and an audience member.

The incident involved Anshul Kumar, who is associated with the Centre for Brahmin Studies, attempting to pose a question after the lecture. Spivak interjected multiple times to correct his pronunciation of the name W.E.B. Du Bois, a prominent figure in Black civil rights activism.

Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak’s interruption of Kumar’s question over Du Bois’ pronunciation and his introduction as the Founding Professor of the Centre for Brahmin Studies triggered a wave of contrasting opinions among attendees.

The aftermath of the lecture saw Anshul Kumar putting up a protest poster outside the venue, questioning ways of engaging with students and scholars during academic seminars.

The incident, captured in a viral video, led to social media scrutiny towards Anshul Kumar’s choice of language and response to the situation.

Since the controversy unfolded, Anshul Kumar has defended his stance, emphasizing the need to address the co-opting of academic spaces by upper-caste scholars and the importance of highlighting Brahminism.

Scholar Sandhya Devesan reflected on the incident, pointing out the nuances in the interaction between Spivak and Kumar and the significance of understanding the semiotics of the subaltern from diverse backgrounds.

The altercation at the JNU lecture has sparked conversations surrounding pronunciation correction, academic engagement, and the complexities of social hierarchy within scholarly spaces.

Rachel Adams

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