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Kangana Ranaut Calls for Therapy Sessions for Rahul Gandhi Over Lok Sabha Speech



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Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) parliamentarian Kangana Ranaut criticized Leader of Opposition Rahul Gandhi for his recent speech, suggesting he should seek therapy sessions immediately. Ranaut, who represents Mandi in the Lok Sabha, labeled Gandhi’s comments as irresponsible, hinting at psychological conflicts within him.

Ranaut, taking to Twitter, mocked Gandhi’s statement about there being ‘two Rahul’, one dedicated to the constitution and the other supposedly ‘killed’. She advised that family pressure may have caused an identity crisis for the Congress politician.

During Gandhi’s address in the Lok Sabha, he targeted the BJP, alleging that Hinduism is not about promoting fear, hatred, and falsehoods. He accused the ruling party of undermining the Constitution and the core idea of India.

The Congress leader recounted his personal ordeals, claiming he was victimized under the directions of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, citing multiple legal cases, property seizures, and extensive interrogations by the Enforcement Directorate (ED).

Ranaut’s sharp criticism of Gandhi’s speech adds to the ongoing political tensions between the BJP and Congress, highlighting deep ideological divides and personal clashes among lawmakers.

Rachel Adams

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