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Lunar Eclipse in September 2024: Date and Global Visibility



Lunar Eclipse September 2024

The second lunar eclipse of 2024 is generating interest globally. Set to occur on September 18, this lunar eclipse coincides with the Pitru Paksha, a period considered significant in Hindu culture. This astronomical event, which will take place in the Pisces constellation, is also causing some debate regarding its exact date. While the eclipse will begin on the night of September 17 in some parts of the world, according to Indian Standard Time, it will officially happen on the morning of September 18.

The timing of this penumbral lunar eclipse in India is set to start at 6:12 AM and conclude around 10:17 AM, lasting approximately 5 hours and 4 minutes. While the event is mainly visible in other parts of the world, including Europe, Africa, the Americas, and parts of Asia, it will not be visible in India. Thus, traditional practices such as ‘Sutak’ that are usually observed during an eclipse in India will not take place.

It is noted that while this lunar eclipse may not be directly visible in India, its astrological influence will be felt across all zodiac signs, potentially bringing financial prosperity particularly to individuals under the Taurus, Libra, and Sagittarius signs.

A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon, casting its shadow over the Moon. Depending on the alignment, the eclipse can be partial or total. This particular eclipse will be a penumbral one, where only a faint shadow can be seen.

Rachel Adams

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