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Montreal Weather Report: Leftover Pi Day Celebrations Continue with Above-Average Temperatures



Montreal Weather Report: Leftover Pi Day Celebrations Continue With Above Average Temperatures

On March 14th, affectionately known as Pi Day, the Montreal Gazette weather desk, in its excitement over double-digit temperatures, inadvertently missed out on the celebration of the mathematical constant. However, they encourage the city to continue the festivities, fondly dubbing it ‘Leftover Pi Day,’ urging the consumption of turnovers over Caesar salad.

Esteemed as the Montreal Gazette is, the weather forecast for Friday predicts a high of 10 degrees Celsius with a chance of showers throughout the day. By nightfall, temperatures are expected to drop to a low of 2 degrees Celsius.

As the weekend approaches, Montreal can anticipate above-average temperatures lingering in the single digits, accompanied by cloudy skies. Showers are projected to make an appearance overnight on Saturday, extending into Sunday.

Rachel Adams

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