Netflix Streamlines EMEA Theatrical Distribution Amid Executive Departure

Media giant Netflix appears to be streamlining its EMEA (Europe, the Middle East, and Africa) theatrical distribution operations, following the departure of local executive Hamish Moseley. This development was first reported by Screen International.
Requests for comments from Netflix on Moseley’s exit and whether his role would be replaced were met with silence. The company also declined to address speculation that Moseley’s responsibilities might now be managed out of the United States.
Despite the restructuring, Netflix is reportedly keen to maintain its partnerships with UK and European distributors such as Altitude, Tri Pictures, Lucky Red, and 24 Builder. However, how these relationships will be maintained amidst these operational changes remains unclear.
Moseley joined Netflix in early 2022 as EMEA Director of Distribution. His primary task was to oversee the theatrical release of approximately 30 films and documentaries within the region. He reported directly to Spencer Klein, the Director of Distribution at Netflix. Under his leadership, several high-profile films, including award winners “The Power Of The Dog” and “All Quiet On The Western Front,” saw theatrical releases in the region, along with “Guillermo Del Toro‘s Pinocchio,” “The Society Of The Snow,” and “Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery.”
Despite releasing nearly 90 features this year, only a few, such as “The Kitchen,” “Spaceman,” “His Three Daughters,” and the documentary “Will & Harper,” have received limited theatrical releases in EMEA. This underscores the ongoing focus on streaming as a primary distribution channel for the company.
Moseley’s departure comes six months after the exit of another top executive, Scott Stuber, whose theatrical-focused approach reportedly clashed with Netflix’s stream-centric strategy. The company’s leadership has been prioritizing its core streaming services over traditional theatrical releases.