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Nine Board Chairman Peter Costello Resigns Following Assault Allegations



Nine Board Chairman Peter Costello Resigns Following Assault Allegations

Nine Entertainment board chairman Peter Costello has announced his resignation amidst allegations of assaulting a journalist from The Australian at Canberra Airport. The incident has led to a swift departure from his position.

The video footage that surfaced on social media showed reporter Liam Mendes approaching Mr. Costello, inquiring about a harassment scandal at Nine. Costello, a former federal treasurer, reportedly walked towards Mendes before the journalist fell backwards during the interaction.

In response to questions at Parliament House, Costello denied the assault, attributing Mendes’ fall to tripping over an advertising placard while filming. However, this event has led to significant repercussions.

In a statement, Costello mentioned his intentions of stepping down from the board post-Olympics but advanced his resignation timeline given recent events. Catherine West has been appointed as the new chair of Nine Entertainment Company.

The allegations of “alleged inappropriate behaviour” at Nine, particularly involving former news boss Darren Wick and CEO Mike Sneesby, have intensified scrutiny on the company’s internal culture. Wick’s abrupt departure in March raised questions regarding the handling of misconduct incidents.

The media union MEAA has criticized Nine for its delayed response to staff concerns, emphasizing the need for a revamped approach to workplace safety and management accountability at the organization.

Rachel Adams

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