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Parenting YouTuber Ruby Franke and Business Partner Jodi Hildebrandt sentenced for Child Abuse Charges



Parenting Youtuber Ruby Franke And Business Partner Jodi Hildebrandt Sentenced For Child Abuse Charges

Parenting YouTuber Ruby Franke and her business partner Jodi Hildebrandt, who pleaded guilty to child abuse charges that stemmed from one of Franke’s children, have been sentenced.

Franke, known for her ‘8 Passengers’ YouTube channel, and Hildebrandt, of ConneXions Classroom, initially faced six counts of aggravated child abuse, described by state prosecutor Eric Clarke as ‘horrible acts of child abuse.’ Both women have now been sentenced to four consecutive prison terms awaiting the Utah Board of Pardons and Parole’s decision.

Before their sentencing, Franke and Hildebrandt admitted to partaking in or allowing severe physical harm to Franke’s children, with Franke stating in court that she had been misled into a ‘dark delusion’ by skewed counsel that justified the abusive behaviors.

The case attracted widespread attention after Franke’s 12-year-old son escaped Hildebrandt’s residence, disclosing the abuse to a neighbor in August. The plea agreements detailed instances of physical torture, denial of essential needs, and coercive control imposed on the children.

Despite tearful statements acknowledging their actions, Franke and Hildebrandt were sentenced to potential extensive prison terms, signaling a milestone in the legal battle that has unfolded since the children’s rescue.

Family members, legal representatives, and public officials attended the sentencing, emphasizing the severity of the charges and the need for accountability in cases of child abuse. Before the sentencing, both defendants reflected on their roles in the traumatic events that marred their families.

In the aftermath of the sentencing, Franke’s attorneys expressed her acceptance of the ruling, while prosecution reiterated concerns over the gravity of the case and the potentially lasting impact of the emotional and physical abuse on the victims.