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Pope Francis and President Biden to Address Global Peace Challenges in Upcoming Meeting



Pope Francis And President Biden To Address Global Peace Challenges In Upcoming Meeting

When Pope Francis met President Joe Biden at the Vatican in 2021, they shared a common goal of promoting peace. As they prepare for their second meeting on June 14 in Italy, the discussions will revolve around current global peace challenges.

The previous meeting confronted tensions over denying Communion to Biden due to his stance on abortion. Pope Francis, advocating against politicizing the Eucharist, supported Biden as a ‘good Catholic.’ The focus this time is likely to shift towards significant conflicts in Gaza and Ukraine.

Pope Francis, calling for a Gaza cease-fire, and President Biden, emphasizing support for Israel, present contrasting views. The Vatican’s cautious stance on arming Ukraine sets it apart from the US’s more assertive approach.

Efforts to repatriate abducted Ukrainian children involving Cardinal Matteo Zuppi and US Ambassador Joe Donnelly could be a point of collaboration. Archbishop Paul Gallagher has noted the generally positive relations between the Holy See and the US under the current administration.

Amidst speculations on their age and capabilities, both leaders aim to convey resilience in addressing global challenges. The upcoming meeting is set against the backdrop of the G7 summit, where multilateral peace efforts are in focus.

Rachel Adams

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