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Prime Minister Modi’s Intervention Saved Yogi Adityanath’s Chief Ministership: New Book Reveals



Prime Minister Modi's Intervention Saved Yogi Adityanath's Chief Ministership: New Book Reveals

A recent revelation in journalist Shyamlal Yadav’s new book, ‘At the Heart of Power: The Chief Ministers of Uttar Pradesh,’ sheds light on a critical moment in Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath‘s tenure.

During the Lok Sabha campaign, Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal hinted at the possibility of Yogi Adityanath losing his position, sparking speculation across the political landscape.

In the chapter dedicated to the current CM, the book outlines how in 2021, there were serious discussions held in both Delhi and Lucknow regarding the potential replacement of Yogi Adityanath.

Various concerns had been raised by BJP leaders and workers in Uttar Pradesh, including allegations of alienating the Brahmin community, a perceived disconnect from the party organization, and the recurring issue of paper leaks in government recruitment exams.

Furthermore, tensions between Yogi Adityanath and his deputy, Keshav Prasad Maurya, had reportedly escalated, prompting internal deliberations within the BJP.

Ultimately, it was Prime Minister Narendra Modi‘s intervention that played a pivotal role in resolving the situation. During a visit to Lucknow in November 2021, PM Modi met with Yogi Adityanath, symbolically demonstrating support and solidarity.

The book details a critical juncture when Yogi Adityanath’s position appeared precarious but was ultimately solidified through political maneuvers and high-level engagements.

Rachel Adams

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