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Protests Erupt in Sfax as Tunisian Trade Union Members Are Arrested



Protests Erupt In Sfax As Tunisian Trade Union Members Are Arrested

Tunisia‘s main trade union organization, UGTT, witnessed protests in Sfax against the recent arrest of four of its members. Among those detained were the union’s regional secretary general, Youssef Aouadni, and three other individuals. Deputy secretary general of UGTT, Sami Tahri, expressed concerns over the arrests, stating that they seemed to have political motives rather than being based on judicial decisions. He demanded the immediate release of the detainees and emphasized his confidence in the justice system.

The UGTT released a statement claiming that these arrests were part of an ongoing campaign to harass trade unionists and undermine the trade union center. The organization has actively participated in protests this year against President Kais Saied, who gained expanded powers in 2021 and has subsequently initiated a crackdown on dissent.

Rachel Adams

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