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Richard Petty Withdraws Endorsement from NC Congressional Candidate Amid Allegations of Misuse



Richard Petty Withdraws Endorsement From Nc Congressional Candidate Amid Allegations Of Misuse

NASCAR legend Richard Petty’s endorsement withdrawal has caused a stir in North Carolina‘s 6th Congressional District race, as Christian Castelli faces allegations of misusing past endorsements. Petty becomes the seventh Republican to retract endorsement in the ongoing campaign.

The controversy stems from a video circulating Castelli’s campaign, originally endorsed for the 2022 election cycle, resurfacing in the 2024 race. Petty’s family, including his daughter Rebecca Petty Moffitt, clarified that the endorsement was not for the current election.

Mark Walker, Castelli’s opponent, raised doubts about Petty’s recent endorsement, adding to a series of false endorsement claims. Several other entities, like Victory Junction and First Freedoms Foundation, were also involved in circulating endorsements.

Rebecca Petty Moffitt explicitly stated, “Richard Petty has not endorsed any candidate for the 2024 Republican Primary,” emphasizing Petty’s conservative background and non-participation in the current endorsements.

Castelli expressed frustration at the situation, refuting any accusations of misrepresentation and shifting the blame towards Mark Walker, who himself faced endorsement-related controversies.

The ongoing primary race in NC06 has intensified the scrutiny on endorsements and political allegiances, with both Castelli and Walker vying for the Republican nomination on March 5. The mutual supporters’ conflicting loyalties add further complexity to the electoral landscape.

As the primary election draws near, the role of endorsements and the implications of misused endorsements continue to create challenges for candidates like Castelli, Walker, and the other contenders in the race.
