Robbie Williams Portrayed as CG Monkey in New Biopic ‘Better Man’
In a bold departure from traditional biopics, British pop star Robbie Williams is portrayed as a computer-generated chimpanzee in the new film “Better Man,” now in theaters. Directed by Michael Gracey, known for “The Greatest Showman,” the movie explores Williams’ tumultuous rise to fame, his struggles with addiction, and his eventual redemption, all while reimagining him as a simian figure.
The film stars Jonno Davies, who performs motion-capture work to bring the CG monkey version of Williams to life, with Williams himself providing narration and vocals. The unconventional approach aims to break free from the clichés of typical music biopics, offering a surreal and visually striking take on the singer’s life.
“Better Man” begins with Williams’ childhood, depicting his early struggles and his bond with his grandmother, Betty, played by Allison Steadman. The film then chronicles his rise to fame as the youngest member of the boy band Take That, his solo career, and his battles with substance abuse and mental health. Key moments, such as his infamous feud with Oasis‘ Liam Gallagher and his iconic “Rock DJ” performance, are recreated with a mix of humor and drama.
Gracey’s direction infuses the film with a sense of spectacle, including scenes of Williams flying upside down during concerts and singing underwater. The movie culminates in a 2003 live performance at London‘s Royal Albert Hall, where Williams reconciles with his past and embraces his future.
Despite its eccentric premise, “Better Man” has been praised for its innovative storytelling and emotional depth. Williams, now 50, has expressed openness to a potential sequel, given the wealth of material from his later years. The film is currently in theaters, with no official announcement yet regarding its streaming release.